Monday, March 19, 2007

Just what we all need...

$6.99 for 1 (one) sliced bell pepper in a package.

No, really.

I was going for a walk today during my lunch break and discovered "Really Cool Foods," which was in fact, less cool than they'd like you to believe.

First, the store is located on the Upper East Side, so one must take the level of absuridity with a grain of salt. However, this was just silly. Prepackaged fresh foods, some sauteed with a little olive oil, or roasted, are at your convenience in clean, well designed contemporary packaging. Great, right? Well, sure, if you'd rather pay $8 for 2 servings of grilled tofu (for those of you who are not regular buyers, an entire package goes for $2ish).

The upside to this is that they give out free samples. Now, we all know how wonderful this is, especially those of that frequent Wegmans on a Saturday, or visit a craft fair just for the samples of home made jams. I had a lovely tapas-styled lunch with a handful of seventy-somethings. Free gourmet food, and with only a few glares from employees.

I'll stop now, as to spare you and not reiterate what's already been said here.

critically yours,

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